TWIST BIKE is a natural vehicle, clean, to free the city of abundant emissions, noise pollution and that represents
an improvement in the stress of the people.
It’s a vehicle that also perform a sport activity that involves improving health, that with continued use
lenghten life expectancy and extinguish the aftermath of his predecessors.
TWIST BIKE promove an intervention in the city, it’s use will determine a structural change in the city, creating
new green routes, eliminating noise zones and generating new human spaces.
Besides eliminating the stress is intended that the use of the vehicle we are working on a better society
for the common good, this will generate a personal satisfaction.
Also create a new citizen, one committed to the city and his people, looking for a tangible improvement,
this should be reflected in such a way that serves as an example to others and that their actions are
measurable and quantifiable.
TWIST BIKE is designed to solve these problems, not only brings the classic advantages of
the bicycle, with which we can improve our health, pollution and excessive noise, but also
promotes the social RELATIONS, since you can attach it to another bike to make a tandem,
you can join friends, neighbors, coworkers or why not? to a stranger to move, discover and
enjoy the city.